February 17, 2003





If you have an ache, do you think that you should "suffer in silence" or if a pill is available that will relieve your pain, take it?

I say take the pill. Although I'll be the last one to take it...I'm stubborn so I suffer in silence. Medicine is fine for other people.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

Sounds like we're getting waaaaaaay too philosophical about aspirin.

Alias Irrelevante

It depends, on how long I have had pain, or to stop short a disease. Speaking from experience, taking a pill for chronic/constant pain, but for temporary ailments, investiagate; research.

Christine, 37
Syracuse, NY USA

It takes a lot of aching for me to down a pill. Oh, but rest assured, I don't suffer in silence!! In fact, it's usually at the constant coaxing from anyone within earshot that I'll finally take a pain reliever.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

I have never been comfortable with the idea of taking pills for ills. However, as I get older, I am trying to be a little more accommodating - and easier on my body. I have suffered through many a headache and toothache, etc. Though I am not sure about the silence part.

Cindy, 41

I beleive there is a med for everything. Take a pain reliever and quitcherbitchin!

Stephanie, 25

Take an aspirin!

Laura, 38
Lowell, MA USA

I never learned how to "suffer in silence." It's always been my belief that if there is a pill that will relieve my pain (within reason, of course. No illegal drugs!), I will take it.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

I usually try to delay the taking of any drugs for as long as possible. Some pain I know, like migraines, won't go away easy and I will take a pill.

Felicia, 37
Lowell, MA USA

It'd have to be a cheap pill and a whole lot of pain. Somehow I've managed to get my nose broken 3 times since thanksgiving (the last too times in the last two weeks). And I'll be damned if I'll waste my money on pills unless they save my life.

A-Dog, 20
Eugene, OR USA

I'll take the pill rather than suffering in silence. Pain causes muscle tension which increases pain which increases.... I'd rather break the cycle.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

Oh, I don't take pain medication unless I really need it. I'm already taking five pills a day just to be
sure I'm getting all the vitamins and minerals and stuff I need (a One-a-Day because I've been taking multivitamins for pretty much my whole life, two calciums and a Vitamin D because I'm on a prescription medication that can mess up my bones, and a glucosamine to keep my cartilage in good condition because my mom seems to have lost cartilage). Plus, I get two shots every week and another one every four weeks. I even have a muscles relaxant to take on nights when I think it's likely that I'll clench or grind my teeth. So I would much rather ache than put more drugs into my body!

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

I used to suffer in silence (Although I would complain bitterly to others around me) but since I have had kidney stones and have discovered the relief of Perocets, I have changed my tune.

Janet, 45
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

God gave us pills for a reason, why not use them?

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

I'd take the pill if I were satisfied that it would help and wouldn't hurt. I have no masochistic
tendencies whatsoever.

Cathie, 53
Novi, MI USA

It really depends on the ache... for my headaches, I take a pill. For other aches, I don't really take
much (makes my wife mad, too).

Doug2, 30
Kansas City, KS USA

Suffering pointlessly when you dont have to is foolish.

Talia, 25
Tallahassee, FL USA

If it is a minor ache, I ignore it. If it is severe enough to interfere with my activities, put me in a bad mood, or keep me from sleeping, then I am happy to take a pill.

Jane, 63
Wst Linn, OR USA

I'm a pill popper. If there's one that will fix me, I take it, especially if it's a migrane!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

Drugs are the answer. That's why they were invented.

Milltown, NJ USA

Oh, I'd definately take the pill!


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