January 28, 2003





Do you ever drink bottled water, and if so, how often?

I'm lucky enough to have soft water. Every spring and fall I tootle along the country road where I live, picking up litter. There are as many empty bottles of designer water as there are beer cans.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

Admittedly, the whole concept used to make me just chuckle.... but now I do buy the occasional bottle of water out of a vending machine if I'm at work. Water is far more consistent than some of the crap they offer in the machines.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

Occasionally, especially when traveling. On long drives, I tend to keep some in the car. At home, I opt for a Brita filter tank in my fridge.

Jane, 63
West Linn, OR USA

Somehow I've gotten into the habit of drinking ONLY bottled water. I started by drinking bottled water at work and somehow, that habit gravitated to my home. So I drink about 16 oz. at work then 16 oz. home.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

Only when I'm traveling and it's all I can get.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

Almost never. I might get a free bottle once a year at a charity walkathon.

Cathie, 53
Novi, MI USA

Not really. I drink tap water; i dont care.

Talia, 25
Tallahassee, FL USA

Well, yes, I do, but I'm not sure about the "how often" part. We get Evian bottles and after we've
drunk the Evian, we refill them with whatever. I take one to work with tap water or Kool-Aid in it. When the bottles get old & yucky, we get new ones. Then in the summer I buy bottled water more often so that I'll have something to drink that's not loaded with syrup and stuff.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

I have a water filter machine from Sears. It takes 4 hours to make 1 gallon of water. But the water taste good to me, and the bottom of the container is full of minerals it took out.

Laney, 60

Yes, but only if I forget to grab some from home. I only drink Evian tho. The others have a weird aftertaste.

Stephanie, 25

I only drink bottled water from the store if I'm out and really want a drink of water instead of soda or juice. Otherwise I drink tap water that's been through my Brita filter. Tastes better that way:)

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

Probably about once a week or so.

Ashley, 20
Jacksonville, FL USA

Bottled water is an everyday thing in our family. I cannot drink anything but bottled water. We usally go through 36 bottles per week.

Melissa, 20

I drink filtered tap water at home. I very rarely buy bottled water - usually if I'm out on a hot day.

Aly, 17
Cardiff UK

Rarely. I usually drink it on the road.

Felicia, 37
Lowell, MA USA

Yes I do drink bottled water, preferrably Dannon spring water with fluoride. It tastes the best . I seem to only drink it when I go to the gym to work out.

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA

Fairly often. I drink 1.5 to 2 liters every day in the summer. I have to because I'm outside so much. But I have to be careful what kind I drink, because I'm allergic to Floride.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

until i got a water filter here, yes, all the time because the water here is terrible. otherwise not too much

Cara, 18
Valparasio, IN USA

Sort of. At work we chip in and pay for bottled water to be brought to the office in the big coolers and I keep a personal bottle which I refill. At home we have a water filter on the house water and a filter in the fridge for the cold water that comes out of it, so it is twice filtered. Water is very, very good for you.

Cindy, 41

Constantly. I bought 3 cases of 1.5 liters but they're frozen so I just keep refilling one at a bubbler.

Alias Irrelevante

I have kidney stones so the urologist strongly recommends 8 glasses a day. So I drink plenty of bottled water at least 8-10 glasses a day. We have a water cooler in our house and on my job. So all my water is from Poland Springs. I refill up the plastic bottle and drink from that.

Janet, 45
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

I rarely buy bottled water. I have two 1 pint water bottles that I refill with filtered water from home and I drink those at work.

Laura, 38
Lowell, MA USA

At least one bottle a day.

KarenNJ, 25
Milltown, NJ USA

Yes, I buy bottled water everyday. In fact, it's all I drink at home because my well water has a bad taste.


We drink bottled water all the time. We live in the country and have lousy well water.

Marci, 57

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