June 2, 2001    





How do you treat the people that love you more than you love them?

Sit back, enjoy the love that I don't even understand the strength of, and treat her with all the love I have left in me. Even though I know it will never come close to matching hers. I love you Carrie.

A-Dog, 18

I usually have the opposite problem.

etoile, 20

If I have anybody like that I apparently ignore them.

Alias Irrelevante

I strive for consistent courtesy.

Jill, 60

Probably not as good as I should. It makes me feel like a bad person, but what can you do when they're willing to do anything for you and you reeeeely need a favor? It's such a moral dillemma--do we really owe love to the people that love us???

Tiny, 21
, TX   USA

I think I love most people more than they love me...

Johanna, 18

I try at first to be nice - to let them down gently - to be friendly, but not very available. Eventually, if they are persistent, I end up being snappy with them, even eventually avoiding them or being mean - then I feel horrible about it. The last step is ignoring their calls and being real abrupt with them if I see them - then I feel really horrible. It is not a pleasant place to be.


It depends on who it is... I have a friend who thinks we're best friends, but I don't consider her mine. I don't treat her bad or anything but I do tend to favour my real best friends over her.

Dianne, 16
Oshawa, Ontario

I don't think there are that many of those. There are people with crushes on me, but that isn't love. . .

Karen, 21

My parents probably love me more than I love them, and I treat them fairly amicably. There isn't anyone else that I can think of that loves me more than I love them.

Shanna, 16
Cardiff  ENGLAND

Frankly, I suck I being able to distinguish the emotional motivations of others. For the few folks who bestow affection or attribute qualities to me I do not possess, I try treat them with respect, kindness and a tad of reality. Often, I find it is not that the person loves me more, it is that they love themselves less.

Felicia, 35
, MA   USA

I think I treat them pretty badly-I tend to patronize them and kind of blow them off. I don't like the idea that I can't love someone as much as they love me, because that makes me feel like a bad person. I wish I could say I am really nice to them because they care so much for me..but that just isn't the case.

Angela, 16
Bella Vista

I treat them with respect, kindness and love.

Laura, 36
, MA   USA

I treat them as well as I can. I had that problem with my best friend because we had once upon a time "gotten together," but the I got back together with my now fiance who was an ex-boyfriend at the time.   My best  friend still loved me though, but I couldn't give up the friendship. We worked through all the feelings together, through tears and smiles. Now we are still best friends and closer than ever!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City

With love and compasion.

Jane, 60
West Linn
, OR   USA

I treat them as they need to be treated depending on the relationship. But all people should be treated the way you would want to be treated so I do so.

Stephanie, 25

Hmmm... I think I understand this question. Carefully is the answer. I have been on both sides of this situation and it isn't easy on either side. Being in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way is horrid. You can't help yourself and you set yourself up for pain again and again hoping they'll come around. So I guess what I mean to say is that if you are in the situation where you know that someone loves you more than you love them, treat them gently. Let them off nicely, but don't give them even an inkling af hope that you will ever feel the same way. Because a person can hang on for a long time with just the tiniest shred of hope and it hurts them more in the long run... sorry about the ramble but this one is near and dear to my heart. = P

Maggie, 20
, IL   USA

I'm not sure I know anyone who loves me more than I love them. My husband has always claimed he does and I'm sorry to say I probably take advantage of the fact subconciously and frequently ask him to do chores around the house that I could do but don't want to.

Reba, 51
, MD   USA

Thats a difficult question! I don't think that anybody loves me more than I love them, maybe my parents, but then again I don't know. I treat everyone with the respect that they deserve and I try to be fair. I could only say that I may treat them insensitively because I don't know how they feel.


i dont know. i've never had someoen love me more than i loved them. but i've loved someone more than they loved me. AND IT SUCKS. I'd hope that you treat the person w/respect. I'd be flattered if someone felt that strongly about me.

Anjel, 20

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