March 31, 2000    





What do you think the future might consider disturbing and immoral about our time period?

Our abuse of the environment.

Jill, 59
, PA

There are so many things....
the current tax code
the state of public schools
that there aren't subsidized computers

Laura, 35
, MA

The number of people we have imprisoned for drug related crimes. Or that we (the USA) or western culture in general exploit third world countries for cheap labor.

Cindy, 41
, MA

There are so many things that I think are immoral at this time that I can't see how future folks wouldn't think so to an even greater degree. Things like the death penelty, our treatment of children, animals, the environment, the poor, etc.. How easily we disreguard life. That our penal system may well be just another more advanced from of slavery.

Yet again, maybe all of this will become so common place, that there is no sense of morality about, like the bikini and short skirts.

Felicia, 34
, MA

I guess that I am pessimistic and don't believe that the future will be morally superior or less disturbing than the present. I even think people will be less disturbed by the types of things that occur today because they will be so used to it that they will be desensitized to it. It's even happening now- with every school that get's shot up, people are less and less horrified. Except for when that first grader shot the other first grader in class...I think that shocked people.

Shayna, 28

The instances of still-blatant prejudice.

Karen, 20
Ames/Marshalltown, IA

The fact that we allow hatred of those who are "different."

Amy, 23
Baton Rouge,

I think that they will find our methods of medicine disturbing. Or maybe the way we treat other cultures and races. Human cloning will also be a hot topic.

Ray, 17
Toronto CANADA

The rash of school shootings is already going to go down as one of the worst parts of the last years of the 20th century. Parents who don't take an active part in their children's lives are more responsible than the [insert harsh word of your choice here] who actually pull the trigger! Six years old, premeditating a crime, and knowing how to load the gun is disgusting!

Lindsay, 21

The future generations would probably consider the lack of respect for human life to be the most distrubing and immoral aspect of our time. Seeing high school kids shoot each other, office workers go nuts and shoot people, and very young kids killing first graders, future generations should consider that to be disturbing and immoral.

Ernest, 28

The hypocrisy, the arrogance, the greed and politicians who personify these traits by figuring how much money they can get through the FCC, DEA and NEA among others.

Alias Irrelevante

. . . .a good one. . . .
I hope that "the future" considers the continued stress on material wealth disturbing and that, even though the wealthiest nations in this world could, practically, come together to end world hunger permanently, they basically chose to put it off as a side issue indefinitely. . . .

mothmc, 35

Crimes against children, random acts of violence, greed, materialism.

Elk Grove, CA

What the future will view as most immoral about our time period is our sympathy for criminals, especially those the commit brutal crimes. We almost encourages crime and violence in our society, and that is why we have the hightest crime rate of the free world, even though we have the most ability to prevent it. We get so caught up in the rights of the criminals that we rarely see the rights of the victums. We spend more time and energy fighting against cruel and unusual punishment than we do fighting cruel  and unusul crimes.

Socrates One
Lowell, MA

Our inability to be honest about anything. As a species, we have convinced ourselves that trite platitudes constitute thought and conversation. We have made ourselves morons in order to be inoffensive.

Anthony, 24
Baton Rouge
, LA

There are probably too many things to even start listing, but I'll try:treatment of poor people, corporate greed, hate crimes, lack of legal recognition for same-sex couples, global warming, and the lack of adequate planning for the future despite our knowledge of impending doom for future generations.

Eric, 18
Beverly Hills

Yesterday / Tomorrow