October 30, 2000    





What is your best memory of grade school?

Leaving it, I did not enjoy school at that time in my life.

Paul, 30
, MA   USA

In the sixth grade, Anna, Eileen, Arleen, Beth, Irene and I did a pantomime skit for the school talent program. We thought it was pretty clever, but the audience thought it was an absolute riot. We brought down the  house.

Laura, 35
, MA   USA

My grade school went up to 5th grade, then we went onto middle school (grades 6,7,8). I remember I was Gracie in the play "Gracie at the Bat", which was our 5th grade graduation play. So I was the STAR. I was also the  MC for "Pioneer Day" in 4th grade - another shining moment for me! I also remember calling Mrs. Burton, my 3rd grade teacher, "Big Boob Burton" which was a big scandel at that age! Oh, this is a good one...I remember having high-heeled espadril sandels which was what grown-up women wore (once again, I was very cool!). I would swing on the swingset at recess and daydream that I was "Isis" because she always had on high heels. (Does anyone remember that show? Saturday mornings in the mid-70's) Another memory I have is pretty embarrassing!!! I got a real rabbit fur coat in the fall of 5th grade. How embarrassing! I actually wore skinned rabbits and thought I was the coolest  girl ever! First of all, I am now very opposed to real fur coats, and  second of all...Rabbit?? Was I a hillbilly or what??!! Obviously I grew up in Southern Indiana! (We probably ate roadkill on a regular basis too, but I've blocked it from my memory for obvious reasons) I hope I never meet any of you. I definately want to remain anonymous after this entry!

Susan, 31

In sixth grade we did this long study about the Roman and Greek gods. At the end we had this big party and each student was assigned a god or goddess. I somehow managed to be this big shot goddess, in charge and mother to many other people in the classroom. It was just a real ego booster and I will remember that day forever!!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City
, NJ   USA

Bringing documentary proof to my 5th grade teacher attesting that the Department of Agriculture classified the tomato as a fruit rather than a vegetable

Jill, 59

Teachers who made learning a joy.

Jane, 60
West Linn
, OR   USA

I don't have too many memories of grade school, good or bad. It's a good question, I just can't think of anything.

Alias Irrelevante

school camp and my 1st boyfriend

Jade, 16

This girl in my second grade class always picked on me, and then she got held back -- and I went to third grade.

Melodi, 19
, OH   USA

my best memory of grade school is this time in the sixth grade. there was this program called "chance to dance" and it got me out of class for an hour on tuesdays so decided to do it. and at the enter of the year we got to perform at providence performing arts center which is this huge theater and the song we dancec to had some guy talking in the beggining and i always used to lip synch it during rehearsals so they asked me do it in front of the entire theatre there were a thousand sum odd people there and i got a good laugh

Chris2, 15

I really liked string painting and making macaroni necklaces.

Tina, 31

I guess that would be of a particular era in high school: There were five or six of us who carried around small squirt bottles (shampoo bottles, lemon juice bottles) full of water. We would go through our day as mild-mannered students, with these weapons concealed on our person. With a slim bottle in each of my jean jacket's inner pockets, I would spot a target in the halls (one of the others of our group), and would follow. As he approached his destination, I would strike, dousing him with water and tearing off. With any luck, I'd be able to outrun him or lose him in our labyrinthine halls.  All of us took it in good humor, no matter when someone struck. I endured my share of ambushes, and teachers usually didn't know what to say upon the sight of a soaked student or two trudging in for class. It was good stuff. The last time we got to do this was near the end of 11th grade, I think. There was some kind of late-night function in the auditorium, and we were hanging around the school for the couple of hours until then. We had the majority of the school to ourselves - 3 floors, 2 mezzanines, numerous stairwells and half the regular lighting. For hours, we tear-assed around the school, with no crowds in our way, no teachers to evade, no safe zones (open classrooms) anywhere. The game got better, because with no classes and time limits, there arose the need to refill. Water fountains were watched, guarded, common ambush sites. Prisoners were taken,  searched for their bottles, held for ransom. Daring rescue missions were undertaken, casualties suffered, coups de grace delivered...

Jesse, 24
, MD   USA

Playing four-square at recess and eating cafeteria pizza on Fridays.

Stephanie, 24

I don't even remeber grade school. The only thing I do remeber is we had recess!!!!!!1

Sarah J.
Jones, MO  USA

Having my Grandma at school with me all day on Grandparent's Day. She is no longer with me , so it's nice to think back on a day when I had her all to myself & was so proud to introduce her to my classmates. I'll never forget it.

Heidi, 26
Fort Madison

There used to be a boy in my class with Tourette's Syndrome. The things he said were pretty memorable. The teacher's reactions were as well. I don't  have many other memories from that period.

Shanna, 15
Cardiff  ENGLAND

having so many friends and so much fun

Brooke, 16
, TN   USA

The huge crush that I had on Chip Morrow in the 2nd grade and the fact that he was my absolute best friend at the time. We entered a kick-ass dinosaur diarama in the school's science fair.  I also have great memories of writing and directing our 4th grade play for the bicentennial. I cast myself as Benedict Arnold.

Felicia, 34

When we had clown day and we got to paint are faces and dress up as clowns. That was in second grade and my boyfriend was nicholas. That was a long time ago.


Probably being told by my fifth grade teacher that she genuinely believed I had a good strong singing voice when I sang the 4th verse of the National Anthem solo a-capella before a grade school assembly. . .or maybe the standing ovation I received for playing "If I was a Rich Man" from Fiddler on the Roof on my trumpet when I was in 6th grade. . .

mothmc, 36
Los Angeles

My best memory of grade school, I suppose, was on a field trip when, leaning against a tree, I knocked it over. That memory is seared into my brain. It isn't a good memory, but it is the most vivid memory of grade school, since I don't really have any good memories.

Mick, 30
, IL    USA

School itself? Ummmm. . .what years is grade school?  Throwing rocks at signs with Jason and Jeff the summer after eighth grade was good. And dancing with Clint in eighth grade, and Greg and Pete scaring me to death by lying down on the highway, and playing strip poker on the bus, and going on field trips, and walking around with Sara at recess, and when Valerie came to visit, and when Miriam and I got off the bus and Rob and Geremy threw snowballs at us, and finding a 10-leaf clover with Sara by her house, and wearing the Halloween costumes my mom made for me, and. . .there's lots of good stuff!

mothmc, 36
Los Angeles

In general, just the whole social realm it provided for me. I recall being almost impatient about getting to school to see my friends and chatting about anything and everything on a daily basis. The last day of school in summer never really thrilled me the way it does some, though I'll admit graduation day was super (I couldn't wait to get away from the nuns!!)

Fisch, 45
, CT   USA

Getting detention everyday in French it became a matter of pride, and it allowed me to eat my lunch in a private room on a comfy couch rather than jocking for position in the loud, dirty cafeteria There was also one time where I ended an arguement I was losing by very quickly getting the guy who was winning beat up by a third party with a known hair trigger temper. It is a long story.

Anthony, 25
Baton Rouge
, LA   USA

In the late 70's and it was about 2AM I woke up with the light coming  in to my bedroom and wondered why and looked and my door was opening and a figure all in black was standing in the doorway. I could see no face but it seemed to have a long robe and hood on. Nothing was said to me or I did not say anything but laid with peace of mind, in my bed. For some unknown reason I had no fear but yet I thought this figure represented death. Scripture came to my mind and I tried to remember it so I could get up in the morning and read what it said. I remember the scripture was from the Book of Revelation and the scripture spoke of the death angel appearing. I have looked in my bibles for the exact scripture so I could put it in this article but I could not find it.

Marci, 55
, OH    USA

The library and book fair days. They were my absolute favorite days.   My mother would write a blank check and I could get as many books as I wanted.  What a beautiful memory.

Amy, 23
New Orleans
, LA   USA

Since I'm in 8th grade, I'd have to say... hmm... I dunno, there were a lot of good times, but I think I've blocked out most of them... lol...

Jeremy, 13
Highlands Ranch
, CO   USA

Everybody was friends.

Firelady, 22
, TX   USA

Coming home on a rainy day and the kitchen windows would be all fogged over. My mother would have made fresh baked cookies for us children to eat. Also, coming home for lunch and having jelly and cream cheese sandwiches with Lipton's chicken noodle soup and Oreo's and milk.

Janet, 42
E. Brunswick
, NJ   USA

the seventh grade field trip to the amusement park, particuarly the bus ride home. that was so much fun, everyone was really good friends by then so we just had a blast.

Karen2, 14
, MA    USA

Yesterday / Tomorrow