Is celibacy a good idea? Celibacy for priests, specifically? Perhaps not. But in
general.. if you want to go for it.. nothing wrong with it really, if you think it will
improve your life.
Talia, 25
Stamford, CT
It doesn't do much for the survival of the
human race! For some people, in some situations, it may be the best choice.
Jane, 62
West Linn, OR
It depends on who you are, and what you want
to do with your life... if you're devoted to something that requires you to be celibate,
then I guess it would be a good idea.
Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch, CO USA
Why not? I think it's fine if a person is
committed to it. All the abuse scandals, both against children and adults (e.g.: abuse of
positions of authority), aren't because of lack of sex. Those people would be abusers
wherever they were.
Judy, 62
Easton, KS
I think it comes down to personal
preference, but if a person knows they can no longer be celibate, they shouldn't vow or
profess to be.
Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA
Not for me. I'm married to my best friend.
Karen, 22
Ames, IA
yes i believe in no sex before marriage -
but not to remain celibate for life.
Brad, 21
It's a great idea. Actually doing it (er,
not doing it) is the hard part...
Nicci, 27
Las Vegas, NV
Sure, I think it's a good idea. That doesn't
mean I could ever practice it. But, for those that have the will-power to do it, all the
power to them. Of course, now I'm married and really don't feel the need to practice
Doug2, 29
Overland Park, KS USA
In so much as it would help to control the
world's population explosion, yes.
Yup...I respect people who's bag that
is...not only does it take will power, but it frees the mind to worry about more important
Or, as this twisted tune goes, I don't know
who sings it...from the song I'm an adult now, "sex is either boring or dirty, young
people, they get away with murder..."
Luki, 31
Waiting for the right time to do those
things is a good idea.
Sarah Jane, 15
Preston, CT
No, but I would respect someone who was
Christopher, 28
San Mateo, CA
It's an idea and practice. I don't know if I
can attribute a good or bad to it.
Felicia, 36
Lowell, MA
Yes I think it is a good idea. With all the
diseases and pregnancies there is no harm in waiting.
Em, 16
Celibacy for everyone? Probably not.
Celibacy as a lifestyle choice for individuals? Of course.
Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA
Alias Irrelevante
Celibacy is a good thing for a
person who has a vocation to live that life either as a
priest, nun, religious or consecrated lay person. If you don't have the vocation, then
it's probably not going to work out. It's hard enough for the people who are called to it.
Laura, 37
Lowell, MA
I don't think so. It's natural for humans to
be interested in sex, so I think holding back your whole life could have some unwanted
Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA
That truly depends on the person. . . but it
isnīt a good idea for me!
Eric, 20
It is a good idea for a lot more people than
actually practice it. But I don't see anyone's ideals changing any time soon.
Triana, 29
Austin, TX
So far so
Ryan, 29
Morton, IL
For who? I think if you are into it fine. I
don't think it is necessary for a priest to be celibate to serve God.
Janet, 44
E. Brunswick, NJ USA
God did not tell people to be celibate, man
did. God told us to go out and procreate.
Milltown, NJ
a priest, yeah. In general, I don't think so. I've had failed relationships
because of sexual
incompatibility; and I don't regret basing my breakup on that. My experience
with different men has taught me better how to pleasure my lover and also
how I like to be loved. It's made me a more educated and consciencious
lover. Also, I think that sex is a very big, very important part of a
relationship, and I don't think you can really separate it from a relationship.
Sex is important, whether we want to admit it or not. My love for my boyfriend
is very much sexual, even though I love him in other ways too.
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