January 22, 2002





Have you ever or would you ever go to a tanning salon?

I never have, and I never would. I've had one occurrence of skin cancer and I certainly would not risk further "sun" damage.

Jane, 62
West Linn
, OR   USA

never have and never will. why would i pay money to have someone blast me with radiation and give me skin cancer?

Steve, 29
Lake Worth

no i would never go to a tanning salon because my skin is alreay the natural color everyone tryies to achive

Alesha, 15

I never have and never would, though I have friends who do use them. My skin is much too sensitive for any kind of tanning.

etoile, 20
, DC   USA

Never have, never plan to.

Felicia, 35
, MA   USA

I have been tanning in a tanning bed since 1985. I started just for a time of relaxation from family situations. Now I do it because I like it but also for my Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. The heat is great for those health problems. I had a dermatologist tell me that the tanning bed was just like the sun. You could stay out in the sun and abuse it and the same with the tanning bed. I do not over due and not every month. I actually owned a Tanning Salon for 3 years and loved it.

Marci, 56
, OH   USA

I have tanned in the past but wasnt impressed with the results and everyone knows you tan so what's the point. If tanning is suppose to have the look of natural beauty, it shouldn't be so obvious. I also feel it's bad for your skin in the long run. I don't really wanna have leather skin when I'm 30.   I'd rather be pale than have damaged skin.

Stephanie, 25

I would never, ever go to a tanning salon

Keri-Jade, 21
Brampton, Ontario   CANADA

No. It's just asking for skin cancer. If someone paid me to do it for a short and safe amount of time, though, I would.

Eric, 19
Beverly Hills

I don't see that happening. For one, I burn. For two, I like my skin. I don't like skin cancer.

Firelady, 23
, TX   USA

When I was young, I dreamt of being a bronzed, healthy-looking girl, and it seemed many times like a tanning salon was the answer. I never went, however, because I just didn't trust these places; anything that came that easily had to have a downside. Now I know what that downside is and I wouldn't even consider going to one. Besides, a bronzed, healthy-looking 55 year-old doesn't have the same appeal as one that is 20.

Reba, 50+
Silver Spring
, MD   USA

Nope, never been and don't plan on ever going!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City
, NJ   USA

I have never been to a tanning salon. I will never say never, but have no desire to go to one.

Kevin, 33
Sugar Hill

I used to about 6 years ago when I tried modeling. That didn't work out.

Alias Irrelevante

No. They seem pretty toxic.

Karen, 22
, IA   USA

I have never gone nor do I believe I would ever set foot in one. Having a tan is of no interest to me.

Janet, 44
E. Brunswick

I've never been and doubt I'd ever go. I tan easily enough during the summer and that's enough for me.

Laura, 37
, MA   USA

No. I've avoided harsh natural sunshine for the last 30 years, ever since the connection between sun and skin cancer became clear.

Jill, 61

I never have and I'm not too sure that I would, just b/c with my luck I'd end up getting burned really badly.

Angela, 18
Bella Vista

Not my bag...

age unknown, parts unknown

Yes I have...and I plan on going back in the spring time to get my tan started for summer.


I have not, nor do I ever plan on visiting a tanning salon to tan. I have been to one while visiting a girl I dated and also with my fiance.

Doug2, 29
Overland Park

Yes, I've been to tanning salons many times. I don't go regularly, but I went before spring break, before my high school graduation, and occasionally I'd go three times a week in the winter just to keep up a halfway decent tan.

Katie2, 18
Ann Arbor
, MI    USA

I have, and I think that they are way overrated. After havving a biopsy for skin cancer, Im more than happy to stay pale. Thank god it was benign. =)

Nicci, 27
Las Vegas
, NV   USA

No, I havne't butI probanly woulnd't.


No tanning bed for me, I get too claustrophobic. Plus dermatologist said it has same effect as the sun and can cause skin cancer.


No. With my kind of luck, the day after I went to one, they'd find out it destroys your liver or some crap.

Fisch, 46
, CT   USA

Being fair skinned, that would be a resounding no.

Ryan, 28
Riedlingen  GERMANY

I haven't been to one before. I'm not saying I wouldn't go, but it has been pointless for me to go. I don't need a tan in the winter and in the summer I can tan for free in my own backyard.

Jennifer, 20

nah, but i'd sure go to mexico or something at sit on the beach

A-Dog, 19

never went never will go. I have the palest skin of anyone i know and i am not foolish enough to go pay someone so i can get a sunburn

Nicole2, 20

No. I have no interest in skin cancer, Thanks.

Talia, 24
, CT   USA

Yes, I've been to tanning salons many times. I don't go regularly, but I went before spring break, before my high school graduation, and occasionally I'd go three times a week in the winter just to keep up a halfway decent tan.

Katie2, 18
, MI   USA

i would but im terrified of tanning beds. my cousin has one and i almost laid in it but just the thought of laying in that thing like a coffin was intensely scary. im not claustrophobic but there was just something about that tanning bed that creeped me out.

Karen2, 16
, MA   USA

Never have, probably never will. Somehow putting my internal organs at stake in order to have darker skin doesn't really appeal to me. Plus, I have very light red hair and pale colored eyes. I'm fairly pale, but I would like stranger with dark skin.

Johanna, 18

Yes........and it was a waste of time......never again

Nikki, 27
Kirkham  ENGLAND

I would consider it, and yes, I might go, but I haven't been to one yet.


I have gone to a tanning salon. It's been a few years.

Celeste, 30
Colorado Springs
, CO   USA

Soon as I acqure a desire to get skin cancer, I'll head on over to one.

Jonathan, 21
, NC   USA

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