June 27, 2000    





Are you a day person or a night person?

Night Person

Melodi, 19

Depends on whether or not I feel like going to work or what other plans I might have.

Alias Irrelevante

In the long-gone days of my youth, I found darkness romantic. The older I get, the more I need sunlight as a spur for activity.

Jill, 59

I so long to be a night person which I haven't been since high school. I am an early riser and can barely keep my eyes open beyond 11:00pm

Felicia, 34

I used to be a night person until I took a job in college that required me to deal with customers at 630 in the morning. Now I am pretty flexible. I tend to get stuff done when the insomnia hits, either late at night or early in the morning before work.

Kathy, 26
Garden City,

A day person. Like Cinderella, I turn into a pumpkin after midnight.

Jane, 60
West Linn, OR

I wake up late and go to bed late, but I wouldn't really call myself a night person. Actually, yeah I'm a night person.

Socrates One
Lowell, MA

I am a day person. Even in high school my friends would make fun of me because we would sneak around and find ways to trick our parents so we could stay out late. On those nights I would STILL get crabby at 10:30! My friends would always look at their watches and say "Yes, it's about that time for Susan to turn into a buzz kill" (buzz kill was the cool thing to say in the mid 80's, you know) Anyway, I'm still like that although my threshold now is around 11:30.

Susan, 31

Oh God, I am so desperately a night person, I'm going to DIE when I start teaching at 7:30 a.m. come August. I'm lucky that Anthony and I both like late nights, but it doesn't do us a bit of good when we actually WANT to wake up before 1:00 p.m. "Honey, call me and wake me up at 10. I need to go run errands." (at 1:00) "Wake up! Wake up! I'm so sorry I didn't hear the alarm!" And so it goes. The night just relaxes me, but then, so do early early mornings (if I've had sufficient sleep). I just like working during a time when everyone else is sleeping.

Baton Rouge,

little of both

Gemma Lynn


Karen, 20

I'm a bit of both, really. I can wake up early in the morning with relative ease, and I have insomnia so I can stay awake until deep into the night.

Shanna, 15

Definetly a night person, who unfortunately has to work 9-5!!

Helena, 31

Very much a night person. There's something that clicks on in my head once the sun goes down. It's when I'm most productive, and as an artist, most creative and able to concentrate. I've even been known to go grocery shopping at 3am

Megan, 24
, IL

I used to consider myself a night person....I would sleep most of the day and go out and party all night long...but now that I am in the working world, I have, without much choice, become a day person. I am tired and ready for bed by 10-11pm. It really does suck. I mean, there are things I like about the day and can only do during daylight hours....but at heart, I will always be a nightowl.

Katie, 24

I guess I would say I am a night owl...that's what my mother called me when I was younger. Now that I have a job, however, that has changed some. But I must say that when I have a few days off...I go right back to staying up all night!!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City,

Day/evening person. I used to be a night person. You're makin' me old here.

Firelady. 22

Definitely a night person.

Jeremy, 13
Highlands Ranch,

I'm not really sure, I love the night time, but function better in the day time…

Aurora, 17
Montreal, Quebec CANADA

I have reached a agreement with the sun, I won't look at it if it doesn't look at me. We have forgotten each others names.

Anthony, 25
Baton Rouge
, LA

I am definitely a day person, or, more accurately, a mornining person, because that is when I have most of my energy/

Ernest, 28

Well, I am kind of both. I like getting up really early in the morning and crashing by 2pm and I like staying up all night. You can imagine how my husband feels about my crazy routine - he HATES mornings!

Kate, 19
, WA

I am a mid-day person. I generally get up around 7 or 7:30 without an alarm and I am reasonably cheerful about it. But I am not capable of being very productive then. I don't get rolling until 10 in the morning. And I get most of my work done between 11 and 5 in the afternoon. I'm also fairly productive between 7 and 9 in the evening. By 9:30 or 10 I'm ready for bed.

Laura, 35
, MA

night person all the way

Angela, 16
Bella Vista,

A night person! My brain will not comprehend large task until at least noon.

Pamela, 39
Sugar Hill,

Night person definately - I'm at my best between 22:30 and 08:00.

Nikki, 27

I suppose a night person, although I feel less like it now than I ever have, because I work the hours in my primary job at Wal-Mart. . . .

mothmc, 35
Los Angeles
, LA

I am a night person.

Jami, 27
, MA

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