If you could go back and relive one year from your life, which one would
it be, and why?
There are a couple
of years I might want to change -- 1978 and 1984 come to mind -- but none
that I want to relive. I prefer to move forward and expect even better
years in the future.
West Linn, OR USA
1993. Somewhere
that year my best friend needed my support and instead of doing so, I
did what I believed, not what she needed. That decision killed the friendship
because it was never the same again. Then we eventually lost touch. Now
that I am older and have been through the same situation again...I know
that I should have supported her in what she believed in and left my own
feelings to the side for the moment. Friends support, help and care and
sometimes you have to do all that even when you don't believe in the cause.
Ocean City, NJ USA
I don't want to
relive any part of my life. Every day is better than the previous one.
I want to always move forward.
Lowell, MA USA
I'm not sure I
would go and relive any year. They all have equal amounts of happy and
sad, exciting and boring. If I had to, I guess I'd choose July 2000 to
June 2001. I bought my loft, ngaged in a fantastic project a work, and
spent some real quality time with family and friends.
Lowell, MA USA
I think repeating
any year of my life would have a profound change on the person I am now.
I'd rather stick with the world I know than construct a new world.
Saylorsburg, PA USA
Why would I want
to relive what I've already lived?
Ames, IA USA
I dont think ive
had any particularly good years. Maybe the first year of my life from
age zero to 1!
Stamford, CT USA
My senior year
of high school :)
Jacksonville, FL USA
Probably this past
year because it was so good, but I wish I had appreciated it more when
it was happening.
This past year.
I had so much fun. I'd probably try to meet more new people, and get even
with the jerks I had to go to school with before I knew that I'd be able
to transfer schools. I'd also not go out with some of the guys I did and
made a mistake.
Harrisburg, PA USA
I would go back
to when I was a little girl and tell him "NO!"
I was just talking
about this yesterday. I'd love to relive 1986. That was the year my daughter
was born so I'd really enjoy that part of it....and it was the year I
met one of the most horrid people I've ever known, so I'd love to go back
and "undo" that entire episode of my life.
Preston, CT USA
My best year was
when I was 35, which was 1980. It was my best because I was very active
that year and enthusiastic about many things. I made handmade Christmas
ornaments and sold them,
was very active in Church, and had many good friends who lived close to
me. Bill was in the Army and we were stationed in Killeen, Texas. That
was a wonderful year and I'll never forget it.
Gaithersburg, MD USA
1995. I crossed
paths with my soul-mate.'Circumstances are enemies to time"..........as
the saying goes. I experienced true laughter,song,and love in the year
of 1995., Even when it happened, I could do nothing to stop the destructive
path it had taken when noticed. It was a moment of true love, and laughter.
I will always, hold on to the memories.
Syracuse, NY USA
I don't know...there's
a few that I wouldn't mind reliving. I'd love to go back and relive a
year from my childhood. It would be magical to spend time again with my
grandparents who have since passed away...be with my parents as they were
when they were young...be carefree again...see the 1970s again...Scooby-Doo,
Gilligan's Island, Land of the Lost. But then again, it would nice to
live a year from my early 20's when I did some modeling, went to lots
of great parties and nightclubs with a fun group of friends...had an unbelievable
relationship with the most wonderful guy in the world...thought of myself
as beautiful and sexy. But I would also love to relive a year
when my son was younger, like when he was 2 or 3 years old. He was so
innocent and captivating, not that he's not a great kid now at 9, but
I get nostalgic about his preschool years. I'd love to be able to pick
that little bundle up in my arms again and just never put him down. So...my
answer is...I dont know. There were lots of good years.
1998 - It was the
year some terrible things happened. I don't want to go into it.
Gahanna, OH USA
I could go back and relive one year of my life, it would be the year I
was 9 years old. That was my "perfect age" because it is before
we even knew my dad had cancer and everything was normal for us. We lived
in a lake house and had several boats and traveled a lot...But above all,
my dad was still healthy.
Joplin, MO USA
was just talking about this yesterday. I'd love to relive 1986. That was
the year my daughter was born so I'd really enjoy that part of it....and
it was the year I met one of the most horrid people I've ever known, so
I'd love to go back and "undo" that entire episode of my life.
Preston, CT USA
the year or so after I graduated high school.
E. Brunswick, NJ USA
Yesterday /`