If you went to a movie with your friend and it was lousy, would you leave? No, I wouldn't leave.
I've seen a few lousy movies and stayed just to see how bad it really got. Sometimes bad
movies get good about halfway through. Other movies, like Message In A Bottle just keep
right on being bad and never let up. I went and saw that with an ex-girlfriend. We stayed
through the whole thing and after it was over, we went and got drunk to try and get what
we believed was the worst movie ever out of our heads.
Doug2, 29
Overland Park, KS USA
Never... I go out with friends to be with
them, not because I want to see a movie or do whatever. They're fun to be around, no
matter what we're doing.
Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch, CO USA
Only if they felt the same way
Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH
It depends on how bad. If it was really
disgusting, sickening, or morally offensive, I'd ask my friend if he minded leaving.
Otherwise, I'd probably stick it out.
Easton, KS
If I found it somehow offensive
maybe, but just a lousy movie? No. I've sat through several crappy movies in my day....
just for the sake of getting my money's worth of a
quiet dark place to sit for the hour and a half!
Fisch, 47
Preston, CT
No, I don't ever leave movies early; in fact
I rarely notice during the movie that it sucks. If it were something my friend had wanted
to see, I probably wouldn't mention that I didn't like the movie unless they admitted they
didn't like it either.
etoile, 21
Washington, DC USA
I doubt it. In all my moving going career
there is only one movie I almost walked out on for lack of any positive aspect.
Felicia, 36
Lowell, MA
Nah. If I paid to get in, I'm watching the
whole thing...good or bad!
Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA
If the friend wanted to, I would leave.
Em, 16
Harrisburg, PA USA
I wouild probably just sleep.
Eric, 20
No I wouldn't - at least you can enjoy your
friend's company until the movie has finished.
Brad, 21
I've been known to leave a bad movie, but I
try and make my selections carefully enough that I don't see many.
Jane, 62
West Linn, OR
Sadly, no. I would wait until the end to see
if it was able to redeem itself. Then, on the way out I would grumble about how I wanted
those 2 hours of my life back.
Nicci, 27
Las Vegas, NV
I would definitely leave if I were alone but
with a friend? If they didn't agree that the movie was bad and wanted to see the rest,
then I'd stick it out and concentrate on the popcorn or something.
Reba, 50+
Silver Spring, MD USA
Sure would. I have done it in the past.
Kevin, 35
Sugar Hill, GA USA
If the friend wanted to stay there I'd stay
simply because it would give me that much more material to rag on them with...or 'with
which to rag on them' or whatever...
Alias Irrelevante
Depends on what my friend thought--and it
would have to be pretty terrible. I try not to go to anything that's going to be terrible.
Karen, 22
Ames, IA
Yes I would and I have.
Laura, 37
Lowell, MA
Never actually walked out yet, but have
really wanted to a couple of times. Anyone see A.I? I kept thinking it would actually get
...well, tolerable, but it just got worse. And amazing I stayed. Still makes me bitter
Triana, 29
Austin, TX
I left the movie
"Scarface" when it was out in theaters years ago just because it was way too
violent for my tastes, but recently I sat thru
"Kung-Pow, Enter the Fist", which was probably the worst movie I've ever seen.
So...the answer is: I guess it just depends!
It would have to be a mutual decision, but I
would sit, laugh, and be jaded about the quality of films.
Christopher, 28
San Mateo, CA
I'm not a movie goer, but as with any social
situation with a companion, the decision to leave should be made together.
Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA
How rude would that be? Would have suffer
through it.
Oh yea.
Did it at Weekend at Bernies II. Will do it again.
Ryan, 29
Morton, IL
Nope, I stay 'til the end in the hopes that
the movie will turn out better.I just saw Mel Gibson's Signs and The Road to Perdition and
I thought they both were lousy, very slow and plodding movies without a good plot. but we
were with another couple and stayed 'til the end.
Janet, 44
E. Brunswick, NJ USA
If my friend hated it as much as I did, too.
Firelady, 24
Frisco, TX
No, how else would you discuss how bad the
movie was if you did not see the end?
KarenNJ, 25
Milltown, NJ
No. If I
pay for a movie, I'm staying there the whole time, whether it's terrible or not. If it's
that bad, I'll stay just to make fun of it.
don't like walking out of movies: to me it's like not finishing a book.
But I did walk out of Gosford
Park. That movie sucked.
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