January 7, 2003





If you were guaranteed honest answers to three questions, who would you question and what would you ask?

This might sound a little silly but I'd ask Jesus:
1. What should I do that I'm not doing already, in order to go to heaven?
2. What is God like?
3. What do you think of organized religion?

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

I'd question my parents. I'd ask them who is their favourite child, who is the least favourite child, and why.

Aly, 17
Cardiff UK

I can only think of one thing I'd really want to ask off the top of my head, and it's not something I want to share with the list. . .sorry.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

I would ask President Bush. and I would ask:
Why are you so intent on war?
Exactly which big business have financed your opinoins?
Why with so many positive role models out there, did you invite Ozzy Osborne to be a guest of honor at a major white house dinner?

Ryan, 29
Morton, IL USA

Who knows? Who cares? And why would I want to?

Jane, 63
West Linn, OR USA

So what was on the missing tape? Richard Nixon
What is the third promise that you made at Fatima? Mary, Mother of Jesus
What were you thinking when you let those priests continue to serve in parishes? Bernard Cardinal Law

Laura, 37
Lowell, MA USA

That question takes a great deal of thought. I'm not sure who I'd approach on the workings of the universe or just how I would word the questions to avoid the "Three Wishes" pitfalls.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

This is a question that requires some thought! Honestly, I couldn't say right now because I'd need a
lot more time to give it some consideration.

Doug2, 30
Kansas City, KS USA

Wow...that's a really tough question! I don't know...I'd ask my "ex" what his intentions were by coming around so much...I'd ask a "certain person" why he suddenly decided not to be friends anymore...and I'd ask my son's teacher if she was treating my child fairly in class.


I'd ask someone: Is there really a God and Jesus and did all that stuff in the bible really happen?
I'd ask God (assuming the answer of the other one was yes) why do babies get killed, puppies get tortured and people get abused?
I'd ask Clothiers: Why do jean sizes differ depending on the brand. Thats just mean!

Stephanie, 25

Great question. I know I'd be asking something or other of our president... and I'd love to ask my ex-husband something too... as to the third, I'm not sure ~ wish I had more time to respond to this one but even that might not help.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

I would ask God if I am going to go to Heaven when I die. I would ask God who my mortal soulmate is and how to find him. I can't think of any other questions I would ask.

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA

That's a really tough question. I think I'd like to ask a question to each of the following three peoples:

Krysh: Why? (and/or Who?)
Kalli: When?
God: How?

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

1. Axl Rose: Why do you always no-show your concerts, cause riots, and dump all over your loyal fans?
2. Relative in HR: What do I need to do to get a real job?
3. J.R.R. Tolkien: What are your secrets to success in writing?

Frodo, 31
Middle Earth

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