June 26, 2003





If they were giving out awards today, which one would suit you best?

Huh? They who? I'd like to have a Nobel Prize for Literature. Or a Newbury award. Or a Hugo award. Some cool literature award.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

Most likely to slack off at work but still get a lot done award. (takes a bow)

Stephanie, 27

Most likely not to notice someone is interested

Felicia, 37
Lowell, MA USA

For reasons I won't explain, I would get the "Turning a bad situation around" award.

Doug2, 30
Kansas City, KS USA

The award for most enduring willpower. I'm going through the struggle of giving up cigarettes for good and it's become the battle of a lifetime.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

The Undercovers Award for bedtime proficiency. Heh. Or so I was just told......

A-Dog, 20
Eugene, OR USA

Best Effervescent personality. That's what my husband said attracted me to him. I once got a fortune cookie that said that and I have it taped to my pantry door.

Janet, 45
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

Least pretentious person with a goatee.

Alias Irrelevante

The Godess award for the savior of emotionally unavalable men.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

A Participation award.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

Today, I would have earned an award for patience in dealing with uncooperative people. Generally, I'd prefer an award for being good at something.

Jane, 63
West Linn, OR USA

Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure what you mean. One million dollars, tax-free, would be nice. That's what I'd like. If you mean most appropriate, it probably would be something like "Best Photographer in the Company", "Queen of Billing", or maybe "Weirdest Programmer". My favorite has to be the one my kids gave me recently - a Burger King crown that says "#1 Mom".

Cathie, 53
Novi, MI USA

The award for eating too much sweet potato desert.


Loser of the Year

Talia, 25
Tallahassee, FL USA

For reasons I won't explain, I would get the "Turning a bad situation around" award.

Doug2, 30
Kansas City, KS USA

What kind of awards? I don't know that I rate any.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

I'd win a blue ribbon for cheerful sloth.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

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