September 1, 2002





What is the hardest job you ever had?

The job I have now would be the hardest. When I first took this job, the job description said I was supposed to do scanning and typing AND OTHER TASKS AS ASSIGNED. Eventually, my sit-down tasks went away and my job description changed. Originally, this job was 'white collar'. Now it is 'blue-collar'. (And at 57, I'm not about to quit.)

Reba, 50+
Silver Spring

Raising stepchildren.

Jill, 61r

Hard implies that the job requires one to have a certain number of brain cells...the fact of the matter is the only jobs I have ever had have been 'brain dead' the only thing I can answer that is a was only 'hard' in the sense that I hated it so was hard to get motivated to go, I got so sick of people telling me somebody died in their family...just to get me off the phone and stop bothering me...I mean, I would not have took that stupid job if I was not at the pit of disperation...and the fact is I only lasted three weeks, because I would physically make myself ill at the thought of going to that was not my bag...

Thucydides, 30
Athens  GREECE

Supermarket shelf stacker when i was still at school. work wasn't so hard but it was shit money. my boss was a slave driver.

Brad, 21

Being a mother of two kids. Most jobs you can leave at the door. Being a Mom you are on the job 24/7 till the day you die.

KarenNJ, 25
, NJ   USA

I don't know if it was hardest, but most frustrating was being the Easter Bunny one year. I wore a seven foot pastel bunny costume, and had parents force their screaming and crying childen on my lap for a photo. Talk about child abuse.

Ryan, 29

Being a mother. It is also the most rewarding.

Jane, 62
West Linn
, OR   USA

Raising 4 kids to adulthood.

Judy, 62
, KS   USA

Staying alive is the hardest job i ever had. Misery and stress virtually every day.

Talia, 25
, CT   USA

So far.....nothing. I can't wait to have the job of a mother. I've heard it's extremely hard work and am looking forward to it.

Stephanie, 25

Working for Orange Julius in the mall. UG.

Triana, 29
, TX   USA

Thinking back, I believe it was working outdoors in the extreme heat in a huge, heavy, furry costume.

Fisch, 47
, CT   USA

Working in a day care. I hated it. I oculdn't ever slack off, I had to be on top of my game, and I had to reason with two-year-olds. Never a moment's rest. The people I worked with loved it though. I couldn't understand the attraction.

Cancer, 20
, NY   USA

Running various types of cable (data, phone, coax) all over a Gateway plant that was being built in Utah. That was some hard work.

Doug2, 29
Overland Park

My job from last year. I was a self-contained, multiply disabled, 1-3 classroom teacher with 11 kids that ranged from behavior disorders to autistic to learning disabled. It was awful and very difficult...the most difficult year so far!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City

Being a mother to an 8 year old boy. It's also the most rewarding job I've ever had.

Nicci, 27
Las Vegas
, NV   USA

The hardest? I don't know, they've all had different hard parts. Working with 12 trillion Quattro files at my current job is hard. Doing work for everybody else that didn't get done otherwise at my first job was hard. Working with what I thought was mono but turned out not to be was hard.

Karen, 22
, IA   USA

Working @ TS Tech North America Corporation -- they are a factory who puts together seats for Honda cars. It was too fast-paced.

Melodi, 19
, OH   USA

Everybody seems to think working with the kids is tough. It's nothing compared to beating yourself up at UPS, cleaning dog kennels, or changing oil. The toughest jobs are the most pointless ones, where you show up for 60   hours a week and the only thing going through your mind is "What the f#@k am

Alias Irrelevante

Being a Mother is definitely the hardest (and most fulfilling) job I'll ever have. I'm sure you mean a paying job, though...and in that case, I'd have to say it was a factory job I had one summer during college break.  My  official title was "screen cleaner," but I have no idea where they came up with that description, because I did not once lay eyes on a screen! Instead, I was stuck in this pitifully small, sweltering hot room which contained two car-sized vats of this boiling caustic solution. Large machine parts slathered in dried, gunky grease and paint would be sent down to my dungeon. I would use a chain and pulley to hoist them into one of the tanks where they would be bathed in this caustic solution until all the gunk was gone. I had to wear a rubber apron, rubber gloves, rubber boots (which were man sized and flopped around on my feet like clown shoes) and a respirator, because the caustic fumes were toxic. It was a terrible, terrible experience...and I'll tell ya what - I appreciated college a LOT more after that summer job!


The one I have right now! I'm a cashier/ stocker/ warehouse worker. They use  me for everything. The small store always needs stocked, people always give me attitude at the register, and the things in the warehouse are always too heavy!

Em, 16

Physically demanding? Probably when I worked for my sister's boyfriend as a teenager. I helped him with his landscaping business. Mentally challenging? When the assistant manager and I supervised the conversion of an entire store to a new inventory system.

Laura, 37
, MA   USA

Yesterday /`Tomorrow