you like to be famous? In what way? The only kind of fame I want is a good reputation within my
professional world.
Talia, 25
Stamford, CT
I would like to be a well-known
chef. Or horse rider. Or Guide-dog trainer.
Triana, 29
Austin, TX
Not especially. I don't think fame is such a
good thing.
Judy, 62
Easton, KS
Well, I'd like to win the Nobel Prize in
physics. And be dictator. Then I'd be famous.
Cancer, 20
Of course I would, but I don't mind that I'm
not. I'd be an athlete or a movie star or a musician or any other thing that would make me
famous... but the fact that I'm not famous doesn't bother me a bit. I have a good, private
Doug2, 29
Overland Park, KS USA
If I were going to be famous, it'd have to
be connected with writing somehow. I suppose it wouldn't be too awful to be famous...as
long as lots of money came along with it.
Fisch, 47
Preston, CT
I want to invent something and be
known forever as the inventor. (But nothing
stupif like the "pet rock", something cool like electricity)
Stephanie, 25
No I do not want to be famous. I like my
life as it is.
KarenNJ, 25
Milltown, NJ
I'd like for my work to be famous but for my
name to be one of the high-value questions on Jeopardy, known but easily forgotten and not
quite pop.
Alias Irrelevante
Is well-known the same as famous? I'd like
to be well-known as a photographer of beautiful scenics.
Reba, 50+
Silver Spring, MD USA
I'd rather be quietly distinguished rather
than be famous. Respect from a few is more desirable than acclaim from the mob.
Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA
not really, perhaps just enough to
get me free travel and accomodation.
Brad, 21
At one point I wanted to be a famous radio
DJ, now I would settle for being famous for doing good and making a difference in this
Ryan, 29
Morton, IL
No, celebrities have their privacy invaded
in so many ways. So many lies are also told by them. Besides, I would never be able to go
out by myself without fans bombarding me with questions or autograph requests.
Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH
I don't know. I don't think I would handle
the invasion of privacy very well.
Nicci, 27
Las Vegas, NV
Hmm... not really. I've always thought that
fame/popularity is over-rated. It's not really for me.
Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch, CO USA
Not at all. I like being anonymous.
Laura, 37
Lowell, MA
Nope. I like being left alone.
Firelady, 24
Frisco, TX
In a mysterious way. Like the actor is
great, but the person who catches his motion in relation to the environment(where the
actor is at that time) has to have much more understanding of what the movie is about.
Maybe some day when I am dead people would say what a great cammera man he was. President
and his staff. I would like to be staff.
Christopher, 28
San Mateo, CA
I wouldn't mind be "marginally"
famous. I would like to be known as a great scientist or nature
writer/photoghrapher/filmmaker. I would not like to be "movie-star" famous,
though. I enjoy my privacy too much. I couldn't hope with people following me around,
taking pictures and stuff like that.
When I was little I always dreamt of being a
soap star. Stupid, I know, but still I'd just love to go and make tons of money, then come
back home and shove it in everyone's face who told me I was a nothing while I was growing
up. I'd prolly spend it on my brother's though since they've been good to me.
Em, 16
Harrisburg, PA USA
Not really. But if I were, it would
be in the long-term history sort of sense. Preferably for some great invention, idea or
creative endeavor
Felicia, 36
Lowell, MA
I would like to be a famous author.
Ames, IA
I have no big desire to be famous.
E. Brunswick, NJ USA
love to be famous for something. I'd like to be known as a therapist/counselor/something,
but I'd truly love to be recognised sometime for my musical talents. Maybe
someday I'll self produce an album or something.
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