February 8, 2003





Do you ever talk to animals?

I have three dogs and three cats. I talk to them all the time. When I help my husband on his friend's farm, I talk to the cows and sheep, especially the lambs. While livestock seldom react, my dogs understand quite a few words. Especially "out" "ride" "treat" and "where's daddy?"

Cindy, 41

Talk, of course. Hold conversations? No.

Felicia, 37
Lowell, MA USA

All the time. We have 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 rabbit and I talk to them all like they can understand me :)

Ashley, 20
Jacksonville, FL USA

of course


All the time! I have three cats and they just stare at me... kinda glad they can't talk back ~ wouldn't want to know what they have to say to me.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

sure.....id talk to my dog all the time

Cara, 18
Valparasio, IN USA

Not only do I talk to my dogs, they talk to me.

Laura, 38
Lowell, MA USA

Of course, I talk to animals. I also listen to them which is even more important for a Peaceable Kingdom.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

Only if I know thier language. Otherwise They wouldn't understand a damn word.

A-Dog, 20
Eugene, OR USA

Of course, but I don't expect them to respond verbally.

Jane, 63
West Linn, OR USA

Yeah, I talk to my cats all the time. It's comforting, and they're better listeners than any humans I know. I also like the fact you can hurl abuse at them and they won't answer back.

Aly, 17
Cardiff UK

I talk to animals all the time, especially my constant companion, Lattimer, a 160 lb. Rottweiler

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

Anonymous: Of course...isn't that right...Dylan?

Dylan: I can't talk...and you get too eat the good food...even tho you are crazy...how fair is that?

Now, Dylan, you know the crap I normally eat...I even the stuff you eat....it shows you how pathetic I am..

Dylan: Of course, we know who the real master is...

Ah yes...I hail thee, oh, master...

Frodo, 31
Middle Earth

Sure. Doesn't everybody? Unfortunately, the animals never answer my questions.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

Only the ones I've been introduced to.

Cathie, 53
Novi, MI USA

Yes but it's usually things like 'get the hell out of my way.

Alias Irrelevante

Just the dogs and cats I've had. MY Rottweiler (NOT my mom's) is fun to talk to. You can ask him,
"Where's the shadow?" and he'll start looking all over the ground for shadows that are moving and if he sees one, he'll pounce on it and try to chase it. fun stuff.

Doug2, 30
Kansas City, KS USA

Yeah, I have a cat and over 10 hamsters I can talk to. They're my best pals :)

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA

Yup, but not with any intentions that they will answer me! Don't all people...epecially those with pets!!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

Sure. I talk to my cat all the time. He talks back to me. He can communicate his wants pretty well. He has different cries for treats, if he wants his canned cat food (in the morning), if he has found a "bug".

Janet, 45
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

Yes...Who doesn't. I talk to my cats and they understand me. They even have special meows when they are hungry or thirsty or want to go outside.

Stephanie, 25

Humans are animals, so I'd like to think that the vast majority of people DO talk to animals. As for non-human animals--yes, I talk to them all the time.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

All the time. I do not think that I would have survived the teen years without my dog. He would never tell my mother any secrets. And he always listened to me.

KarenNJ, 25
Milltown, NJ USA

Yes, all the time.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

All the time!!!!


I talk to my dog all the time and my birds. I have in the past talked to all my pets.

Marci, 57

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