September 23, 2002





If your electricity was limited how would you prioritize its use?

I would rely on the light from the tv.

Stephanie, 25

I guess I'd put it all on heat and air conditioning. I can do without (and have) everything but when I am hot, all my energy leaves me and I don't want to do ANYTHING.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

Refrigerator and freezer first, then lights, air-conditioner, computer, radio, TV, and whatever else is left.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

I would try and follow the ways the Amish use to the full extent that I could. I would use have a gas stove and I would use candles or battery-operated lamps for lighting purposes. For heat, I would also use gas or a fireplace.

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA

Light (too many cats to use candles) and hot water.

Alias Irrelevante

fan for air compressor the gets gas heat into my place during winter, refrigherator, one light, toaster oven, stove, hot water heater, computer for email, TV.

Felicia, 36
Lowell, MA USA

First priority would be the electric pump for the well. Then power for the other servants--the electric stove, the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner. Then light for reading.....

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

Lights will be first. You need to see. Then electricity for cooking. I would nto consider electricity for a tv or radios. Just the necessary things.

Em, 16
Harrisburg, PA USA

by using the bare necessities, of course...lights, water heater, water pump and computer!


Refrigerator, stove, lights

Laura, 37
Lowell, MA USA

Refrigerator, my heat is gas but if it wasn't - heat, LIghts. I could use batteries for my radio, cell phone, propane for stove,

Janet, 44
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

Light. I can't deal without light. My eyes are bad enough already; and I could never give up reading. I am dependent on light for my studies. Music I can create on my own; TV I don't watch.

Cancer, 20

Cooking and keeping everything at a reasonable temperature would be top priorities.

Karen, 22
Ames, IA USA

Computers/internet first! *grins*

Talia, 25
Stamford, CT USA

fridge and stove and one lamp...i think that would be enough, more lamps if possible

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

Something like..... environment control to prevent extremes, keeping food cold / cooking food, lighting, other

Firelady, 24
Frisco, TX USA

Interesting question... I'd never thought about it. I guess I'd keep the lights out most of the time, watch very little TV (don't watch much as it is) and save it for things like the heater and AC.

Doug2, 29
Overland Park, KS USA

All of my appliances that deal with food- refrigerator, stove, etc.- would have top priority. Then, heating/cooling, lighting, and everything else, in that order.

Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch, CO USA

The top users would be the laundry machine, hot water heater, and refrigerator. I think everything else can be limited

Ryan, 29
Morton, IL USA

Household appliances (stove, fridge, washer), reading and heating/cooling (I have supplemental gas heat, so that doesn't come first).

Jane, 62
West Linn, OR USA

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