September 24, 2002





Do you have a twin?

Sometimes, I honestly wish I did, but I do not.

Ashley, 20
Jacksonville, FL USA

Not that I know of.

Ryan, 29
Morton, IL USA


Cara, 18

Nope. Just two brothers and a half-sister.

Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch, CO USA


Felicia, 36
Lowell, MA USA

Nope. Unless a doppleganger is out there somewhere that I don't know about.

Doug2, 29
Overland Park, KS USA

Nope, just a sister 17 months older than me

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA


Em, 16
Harrisburg, PA USA


Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

No. Or is this a trick question?

Karen, 22
Ames, IA USA

No. I would not want one either. What did you say?

Christine, 37
Syracuse, NY USA


Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

No...but I have an 34 year old sister, an 18 year old sister, a 12 year old sister and a 7 year old brother.


I don't have a twin in this time strand of the universe, but I'm almost certain to have at least one doppleganger.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

No but I have two brothers, one six years older the other three years younger and even though we don't look anything a like people can't remember who's who.

Alias Irrelevante

Nope. Although my sisters and I look and sound enough alike that we've confused people.

Laura, 37
Lowell, MA USA


Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

Nope. I have fraternal twin, first cousins though :)

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

No, but I've always thought it would be fun.

Triana, 29
Austin, TX USA

Yes, I have a twin by the name of C-Pup. We are the hottest set of twins ever to be twins on this earth.

A-Dog, 19
McMinnville, OR USA

No, one of me is all the world can handle.

Jane, 62
West Linn, OR USA

No, but I've got friends close enough that they could be considered twins or alter egos of mine. A group of five of us have dubbed ourselves "the evil penta-us," because not only do we have similiar personalities and interests, but we all look freakishly similar. We've got the grand idea to
get us all dressed in identical clothes someday and take a photo.

Hikaru, 19

Nope, but my sisters and I do look alike.

Janet, 44
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

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